General Information
The Virginia is for Learners Innovation Network is composed of annual cohorts of Lead Innovation Teams from school divisions in Virginia. Each cohort consists of teams from up to 35 divisions. The Network connects educational innovators who purposely work together to identify, use, and share strategies and actions designed to implement the Profile of a Virginia Graduate. Teams meet during the cohort cycle in Institutes designed to spark ideas and actions for local innovation initiatives. Teams also participate in a coaching model designed to support implementation of local innovation initiatives focused on three outcomes:
Expanding instructional use of Deeper Learning strategies
- Increasing Equity so all learners participate in rich, challenging learning experiences
- Implementing actions to fully and actively Engage all learners through multiple pathways leading to high school graduation
The Profile of a Virginia Graduate provides local school communities with a frame of competencies that students should develop as they master the Virginia Standards of Learning and work through division curricula.
In the Network, Lead Innovation Teams research and develop innovative approaches designed to ensure that all learners develop complex competencies essential to long-term success in homes, communities, and the workforce. As teams determine the effectiveness of innovations, they share artifacts, media, and “how to” information through face-to-face and virtual communication across the Commonwealth. The Network is a conduit for solutions to challenges, leveraging resources across divisions, and connecting educational communities in Virginia and beyond.